Archive for the ‘MTV Awards’ Category

Snoop Dogg: The fifth Beatle?

November 5, 2007

Readers who noted the advertising for last week’s MTV Europe awards, which featured rapper Snoop Dogg in ladehosen (the awards were in Munich, y’see) may shudder at what marketeers have in mind for next year, when the awards come to Liverpool. What images could be dreamt up to represent 2008’s ‘European Capital of Culture’?

Hopefully they will take a broad approach and dress whoever hosts it as Britannia, for the the global marketing. Perhaps Britain alone will be treated to the host in Beatles suit-and-moptop, surrounded by screaming Sixties’ babes, or the tracksuit, bubble perm and moustache combo favoured by Harry Enfield. Answers on a postcard please, winner to be announced in 11 months or so…