Archive for the ‘Peter Mandelson’ Category

Labour leader reclassified as ‘naughty rabbit’

August 23, 2009

Labour fired the first shots yesterday of what appears to be a daring re-election strategy. ‘He was a rabbit,’ claimed Lord Mandelson, apparently referring to Prime Minister Gordon Brown. ‘A rabbit who was very naughty and has since gone off to be with his other rabbit friends in Wonderland.’

The description of the holidaying Prime Minister as a ‘naughty rabbit’ has raised eyebrows in Westminster, with Conservative MPs questioning how a rabbit could have landed the country in such a disastrous recession – a recession that European partners such as France and Germany have already climbed out of.

‘The rabbit did the best it could,’ explained Jack Straw, the Secretary of State for Justice. ‘But these times call for change, and change there must be. The year of the rabbit is passing.’

Analysts have speculated on what kind of animal will be brought in to steer the country out of difficulty, with many believing a beast of burden to be most likely, possibly a bovine. Such a move may bring about closer economic ties between Britain and China, by honouring the year of the Ox.