Archive for the ‘Steve Martin’ Category

Attack of the angry accents

February 6, 2009

Listening to the outburst of the man who might be Christian Bale, intense actor par excellence, News Hour is struck by his accent – which seesaws wildly from flat English to flat American (the latter especially on the vowels) before occasionally daring brutal stabs of no-nonsense Cockney. This seemed to emphasise the hard man parts of the speech, give it a bit of extra ‘oomph’ that no swearing in the world can muster. If felt like: ‘Don’t doubt me, punk. I mean it.’ That sort of thing.

No doubt this word-swivelling has something to do with this actor (who, for legal reasons, may or may not be the Welsh-born Bale) living a transatlantic lifestyle; plus, presumably the character of John Connor in Terminator: Salvation has not magically become a Brit. Imagine if this outburst had occurred during a particularly intense scene on the set of Pink Panther 2, with Steve Martin exploding at the errant wanderings of some terrified underling:

‘You and I, we will have le relations professionel no more – rien! Rien! Ri – ****in’ – en!’

There are broad parallels between the experiences of possibly-Bale and Carol Thatcher. Both suffered leaks that exposed their behaviour, both occurred on the sets of a filmed work designed for public consumption but not actually ‘on air’. Both are, of course, work environments – which tend to forgive the ‘flair’ of individual money-makers at the top end – but work environments nonetheless. Such flair lends a bit of colour to the world (old school newspapers were never short on this – see MacKenzie, Kelvin), and on balance News Hour would rather it existed than it didn’t, but that doesn’t make it any less unpleasant.

UPDATE: The man on the recording is indeed Mr Bale, and he has issued a fulsome apology – claiming that he acted ‘like a punk‘. One can only imagine how he’s spent the days since the recording broke cover.